In a world you can be anything #BeKind |
In a world you can be anything #BeKind |
Ersch ✴Helena Dress - Fatpack ✈ Midnight Order✴ Pure Poison ✴Carmen Nails & Rings ✈ Uber Event✴ Rawr! ✴Heartbeat Rings✴ ✴Heartbeat Human Female Evox Earrings ✈ Instore✴ We are stripped bare by the curse of plenty.
✴Credits Vanilla Bae ✴Chel Top & Skirt - Fatpack. ✈ Madpea's Treasure seekers hunt✴ ✴Cheya Heels - Fatpack. ✈ Fameshed✴ Remember, you’re lapping everyone on the couch!
✴Credits Kaithleen's ✴Maila Set - Fatpack ✈ Collab88✴ Pure Poison ✴Lemon Nails and Rings ✈ Belleza Event✴ eBODY ✴Reborn v1.69.6 ✈ Instore✴ MV TATTOO ✴KEEPSAKE (DARK) TATTOO ✈ Instore✴ I have learned how to observe, far better than most people observe. I am not blinded by the past or motivated by the future. I focus on the present, because that is where I am destined to live.
✴Credits [ADD] ✴Arner Corset Fat-Pack ✈ Kinky Event✴ Rawr! ✴RAWR! Lunaria Necklace✴ ✴RAWR! Lunaria HUMAN FEMALE EvoX Earrings✴ RAWR! Lunaria Bracelets✴ ✴RAWR! Lunaria Armlets✴ All ✈ Instore |